Transforming Lives Starts with Investing in the Health of Women and Girls
Support Our Mission, change lives!

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene program advocates and supports...

Girl Child Education
Girls' education is one of the most effective ways of ending poverty in developing nations...

Family Planning
According to United Nations 2018 projection, the current population of Nigeria is estimated at 197,659,900...

Reusable Pads/Women Empowerment
Women empowerment is a burning issue over the world. Women empowerment and women equality with men is a universal issue...

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
FGM has no health benefits, and it harms girls and women o many ways. It involves removing and damaging healthy normal female genital tissue...

Breast Cancer
Cancer starts when cells begin to grow out of control. Cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer and spread to other areas...
Survey Duration (Months)
Before Kits Distribution
After Kits Distribution
No Prior Knowledge About Menstruation
56% of school girls in
use alternatives like
toilet tissue,
rags or cotton wool to manage
their menstruation.
44% of Nigerian women and girls cannot afford sanitary pads priced at over N500.
Over 37 million women and girls of reproductive age lack access to menstrual hygiene products due to financial constraints.

Our Success Stories
Lives touched...
Lilian, 15
Menstrual Kit Beneficiary
Miss Sarah, 31
Menstrual Kit Beneficiary
Aisha, 42
Empowered Through Sewing
Soap Making
Soap Making

Keep a Girl in School
HAFAI’s work has been transformative for many women and girls in Nigeria. However, a lot of girls still stay out of school because they don’t have what they need to manage their menstruation. This amounts to days of lost school, work, and opportunity. We can change that, together.

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News and updates

Four years ago, HAFAI started a mission to support girls who had found refuge in Durumi IDP Camp, a place where families displaced by the Boko Haram insurgency and natural

Radio remains one of the most powerful tools for reaching people, especially in underserved and hard-to-reach communities. Its ability to cross barriers of distance, literacy, and even access to electricity

International Day of The Girl Child 2024
Every year on October 11, the world comes together to celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child—a day dedicated to recognizing the rights of girls and the unique challenges