Health Aid For All Initiative (HAFAI) is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-religious organization that is primarily focused on human rights and girl child education as it relates to reproductive health care, sexual health, menstrual hygiene management solutions and advocacy against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The initiative also revolves around promoting family planning and population control, safe motherhood, good hygiene and sanitation, adolescent health and effective prevention of sexually transmitted diseases through promotion of safe sexual behavior.

Another area of focus is on disease prevention (Communicable and Non Communicable) and reducing maternal and child mortality by working towards productive and strong beginning for children through effective advocacy and immunization against common childhood diseases.

HAFAI executes projects directly through collaborations with government and non-governmental institutions within and outside Nigeria. HAFAI was founded in February 14th 2006 but was fully registered on the 12th of June 2015 with registration number CAC/IT/No.78458.

OUR VISION: To build a society where everyone has an opportunity and right to a healthy life.


  • Help Girls Stay in School
  • Advocacy Against Early Child Marriages, Teenage Pregnancies and Female Genital Mutilation.
  • Eliminate Sexual Abuse and Gender Inequality
  • Enhance Opportunity, Dignity and Education
  • Promote Good Health, Sexual Rights  and  Freedom from  Abuse  and  Violence.

The stigma and taboo surrounding menstruation is a human rights issue. It inflicts hardship, violence, discrimination, shame and indignity on women and girls which leads in some cases girls missing days out of school and even drop out of school entirely due to poor performance after so many absences. How then can we achieve gender equality? (SDG 5).

The stigma around it violates their rights to human dignity, non- discrimination, freedom from degrading treatment, violence and abuse.

OUR MISSION: Saving lives through improved and sustained health awareness programs to those in need as well as bridging the gap between policy, knowledge and action for people to reach their full potentials for good health.

Our Objectives

  • Promoting Gender Equality and Human Rights
  • Family Planning and Population Control.
  • Promoting Sustainable Menstrual Hygiene Solutions to Keep Girls in School.
  • Promote Advocacy Against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other Gender Based Violence.
  • Strengthen Advocacy on Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health.
  • Awareness / Sensitization on Breast / Cervical Cancer.
  • Promoting Girl Child Education.
  • Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth and Providing Community HIV Testing Services.