Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that occurs during the period from puberty to maturity/adulthood. Adolescents are young people, boys and girls between the ages of 13 through 19 who require proper guidance and advice in other to make informed decisions and choices that will improve their lives. March 19th – 24th was adolescent week, a period set aside to educate, direct, advice and address issues that affects the lives of adolescents in the community.

HAFAI in partnership with the Ministry of Health sensitized the adolescents during the adolescent week at ECWA Goodnews Kubuwa, Abuja on health-related issues ranging from personal hygiene, peer pressure, Menstrual Hygiene Management and the effects of drug abuse. At the end of the program, adolescents pledged to shun drug abuse and only take prescribed drugs while the girls received HAFAI reusable sanitary pads and were also taught how to use and maintain the reusable pads. In attendance was Dr. Wellis from Ministry of Health, who sensitized the adolescents on personal hygiene and the effects of drug abuse, Dr. Kelechi from Limi hospital Abuja talked about menstruation and menstrual hygiene management, HAFAI staff, church members and adolescent youth were also present.