Human Papilloma Virus is a Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), that is common among people of reproductive age, and can be spread through unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person, mother to baby, pregnancy, labor, or nursing. Most HPV infections go away on their own and does not cause any health problems. However, if HPV remains, it can cause health problems like genital warts and cancer in various part of the body such as cervix, back of the throat (called oropharyngeal cancer), the base of the tongue and tonsils, anus, vagina and penis etc. Cancer often takes years, even decades, to develop after a person gets HPV and many people with HPV doesn’t develop any symptoms but can still infect other people through sexual contact. Some symptoms may include warts on the genital or surrounding skin. HPV is preventable. Vaccines can be administered to boys and girls between the ages of 9 -14years before sexual debut.

The inaugural meeting was held at the office of the executive secretary Abia State Primary Health Care Development Agency ABSPHCDA on Friday 2nd June 2023 with an opening prayer and the purpose of the meeting is to set up Technical Working Group, TWG membership across all stakeholders and organizations (Government and Non-Government) operating within the State especially in connection with the targeted age cohort (Adolescent girls 9 -14 years). Health Aid For All Initiative (HAFAI) as a major stakeholder render both technical and financial support in implementing the upcoming program to immunize girls against cervical cancer.


The State coordinator National Primary Health Care Development Agency, NPHCDA on behalf of the executive secretary ABSPHCDA inaugurated the 23-man TWG for the coordination and implementation of the upcoming HPV introduction in Abia State. The State coordinator World Health Organization, WHO in his closing remarks encouraged the TWG to participate actively in the coordination of activities regarding the introduction of HPV vaccine to help curb cervical cancer among adolescent girls in Abia State. He also thanked everyone for attending and wished everyone journey mercies back to their various destinations.

In attendance were officers from ABSPHCDA, State Ministry of Health (SMH), Traditional Rulers, WHO, representatives from CAN, African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), John Snow Inc. (JSI), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), and HAFAI (See attached names and designation).