Menstrual hygiene day is used as a platform by government and non-governmental organizations to discuss issues that affects girls and women’s health such as puberty or stages of development especially in girls and to educate them on how to take care of their bodies in order to stay clean and healthy as well as sensitize women and girls on the importance of menstrual health, hygiene and it’s management in preventing infection and diseases, and to also dispel harmful myths, taboos and negative assumptions around issue.

This year, HAFAI commemorated menstrual hygiene day on the 28th of May 2023 at Durumi IDP camp with the theme; ‘We Are Committed’. We are committed to building a world where no one is held back because they menstruate and to end period myths, taboos and stigma surrounding menstruation as well as to celebrate womanhood and the power of PERIODS and its effect on girls and women.

As an organization our aim is to tackle menstrual stigma, provide knowledge on proper menstrual health and provide eco -friendly menstrual solutions to vulnerable girls. We also launched a safe space for girls in the camp to learn and connect with one another. This year’s Menstrual Hygiene Day, event included display of entrepreneurial skills and talents by girls who have benefited from our mentorship programs. Girls received reusable menstrual kits and were taught how to use and maintain the pad and also engaged in activities such as menstruation myth busters where the participants learnt about period facts and taboos which prevent girls from understanding the truth about their bodies.

They also participated in coloring sheet competition where they created coloring sheets that represent the strength all women and girls have when menstruating and managing their cycles and also menstruation themed coloring sheets that showcase what it is like to have a period and why it is something one should be proud of.


Girls from Kabusa IDP camp showcased their arts and craft projects and some of the things they learnt during their club session, they displayed the beads, snacks/small chops and dresses they made in order to encourage and inspire other girl club members. It is imperative that decision makers invest in education and awareness campaigns to destigmatize menstruation, provide adequate sanitary facilities in schools and workplaces and prioritize menstrual equity. Furthermore, it was made clear that menstruation is a normal biological process and without periods there will be no people.

In attendance were HAFAI ED Dr Ugochi Ohajuruka, Mrs. Akaoma Onyemelukwe, Executive Director Heard Africa, Executive Director Nigeria Reads Barr. Blessing and participating girls from Durumi and Kabusa IDP Camps.